- On Cash Flow is pleased to now offer email consulting for your important questions and concerns. The price is currently listed below with 3 options for consultations.
- If you are ready to book an email consult then please book on the form below

Book any consult and you will get a FREE .pdf copy of my book “How To Retire Early Using The Roth IRA Ladder”. I will send it to you as an email attachment when I deliver your consultation. If I forget to send it, please remind me to send you a copy! – Zach
AND not only will you get a copy of my book, but for a limited time, I will also send you a FREE copy of my NEW audio guide “How To Get Started On The Path To Financial Independence.”

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How This Email Consulting Works
Fill out your information and questions when you book an “appointment”. The “appointment” time and date that you book will represent a deadline for when I will send you back my response for your consultation. Consultations are booked at least 1 week in advance but might be fulfilled sooner than the “appointment” time and date.
I will email you back the best-personalized answer to your questions that I can come up with.
Here’s What It Will Look Like

Why Email Is Better Than Face To Face Consulting
This type of email consulting allows both of us more flexibility since we don’t have time and date-specific constraints. I have more time to focus and concentrate on answering your questions without interruption and you have more time to focus on formulating your questions for me without interruption.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How Much Is The Email Consulting?
Currently, the price for email consulting depends on how much of a response your question requires. Please see the three options for pricing at the top of this page. I want to be as in-depth and as helpful as possible. Such time is spent reading and understanding your questions/concerns, researching and providing evidence to support the answers, writing a detailed response, and cleaning up the response to be as detailed and precise as possible.
What Dates Can I Recieve My Written Consultation?
The deadline for when you receive back your completed consultation will always be on a Wednesday. However, If I am able to finish answering your questions before the deadline then you will receive your completed consultation as soon as it is finished for you.
Dates are available for up to 30 days in advance. The earliest date that you can book a consult is 7 days in advance.
Can You Recommend What To Invest In?
No, I cannot recommend specific investment securities because I do not hold the legally required securities licenses. Please consult a professional licensed in your area for investment advice.
Can You File My Taxes For Me?
No, I cannot file your taxes for you because I do not hold the legally required licenses in your state. I can do my best to educate you and point you in the right direction for general tax planning, but please consult a tax professional licensed in your area for tax preparation.
What Can I Get Consulting For?
You may ask for consulting on any topic you wish, but the best questions I can help you with are personal finance and financial independence-related questions.
Here are some example topics that I best help you with (the list is not exhaustive)
- Paying off debt
- Budgeting
- Reducing expenses
- Tax planning strategies
- Financial independence planning
- Increasing your income
Do You Offer Refunds For Consultations?
I will do my absolute best to help answer your questions and concerns, but If you are unsatisfied for any reason with my work then feel free to respond to the email I sent you within 30 days and ask for a refund.